Cyber’s Got Talent Carnival held successfully (with photos)


     The Cyber’s Got Talent Carnival organised by the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB) of the Hong Kong Police Force was held successfully today (March 3), attracting the participation of more than 800 students, teachers and parents.

     The carnival aims at encouraging the youth to join hands with the Police in safeguarding the cyber space. Participants learned about the importance of computer and mobile device security through fun-filled gaming experience and useful workshops.

     Officiating at the kick-off ceremony, the Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police (Crime), Mr Yip Wan-lung, said that the overall crime situation in Hong Kong improved in 2018, hitting a new low since 1974, whilst the technology crime recorded an increasing trend. He added that the increase in social media deception and online shopping fraud cases, facilitated by the use of technology, remained one of the greatest challenges of the Force in recent years. Mr Yip reminded all participants to stay vigilant to online scams and cyber threats.

     The carnival is one of the highlights of the Wave II of the Cyber Security Campaign. The campaign was first launched by the CSTCB in June 2017 with an aim to enhancing public awareness of cyber security and the threats imposed by botnets. The Wave II of the campaign was rolled out in August 2018, with a focus on mobile device security.

     The campaign website provides computer cleaning software and mobile device scanning tools for members of the public to download and install. For details of the campaign, please visit:


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