SLW visits training centres for domestic helpers in Jakarta (with photos)


     The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, visited two training centres for Indonesian domestic helpers this morning (January 22) before concluding his visit to Jakarta, Indonesia.

     Dr Law toured the centre's facilities, including simulated households and simulated home care facilities, and observed the practical skills training provided for Indonesians to work overseas as domestic helpers and carers. He also observed trainees attending language classes and met with the centre's trainers and staff to discuss tailor-made training across professions and collaboration with employment agencies.

     Speaking to the centre's management, Dr Law said that Hong Kong had launched a Pilot Scheme on Training for Foreign Domestic Helpers (FDHs) on Elderly Care in March 2018 to strengthen their skills in taking care of frail elderly persons, so as to enhance the quality of life of elderly people in the community and support ageing in place. A total of 300 free training places are provided, and two-thirds of trainees recruited are Indonesians.

     Dr Law added that, in view of positive responses from FDHs and their employers, the Government is planning to extend the Pilot Scheme to other districts, with around 800 training places in total starting from the third quarter upon completion of the training courses under the Pilot Scheme by May this year.

     Yesterday, Dr Law had a dinner gathering with Hong Kong people doing business in Indonesia. Dr Law encouraged them to look at the opportunities brought about by the country's Belt and Road Initiative as well as the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area when considering their business strategies. He added that with the unique strengths of "one country, two systems" and an excellent environment for doing business, Hong Kong is well positioned to help them tap such business opportunities.

     Dr Law concluded his visit and set off for Hong Kong this afternoon.

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