Arrangement for Guangdong-Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars using HZMB to Zhuhai Port on trial basis in phases


     The Transport Department (TD) announced today (January 8) that Guangdong-Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars (i.e. dual-plate private cars) under respective quotas and issued with valid Closed Road Permits (CRPs) for using other crossings (i.e. Lok Ma Chau (Huanggang), Man Kam To, Sha Tau Kok and Shenzhen Bay) will be allowed to use the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) going to or returning from the Zhuhai Port on a trial basis in two phases. The trial period will be two years tentatively. The arrangement is not applicable to vehicles travelling to the Macao Port via the HZMB.
     To ensure the traffic at the HZMB Hong Kong Port, Hong Kong International Airport and Tung Chung is smooth, the TD has implemented temporary special traffic arrangements during the initial commissioning of the HZMB. With the commissioning of the Southern Connection of the Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link at the end of 2018, the traffic flow in the vicinity of the Hong Kong Port is generally smooth. The TD will, in accordance with the agreement between the Guangdong and Hong Kong governments, allow dual-plate private cars under the quotas of other road crossings to use the HZMB going to and returning from the Zhuhai Port without the need to go through additional procedures on a trial basis in two phases. The specific implementation schedule is as shown in the following table:

Phase Dual-plate private cars under respective quotas for using other crossings Implementation date End date
First Phase Lok Ma Chau (Huanggang), Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok February 25, 2019
February 24, 2021
Second Phase Shenzhen Bay Port April 29, 2019
April 28, 2021

     The TD will start to issue approval letters from January 21 and from March 25 respectively to CRP holders of relevant crossings applicable for the first and second phase trial of using the HZMB respectively explaining the details of the arrangement. The Guangdong and Hong Kong governments will review the arrangement, taking into account the traffic flow of the HZMB, the Hong Kong and Zhuhai Ports, and the relevant connecting roads, upon the end of the two-year trial period to decide on the future arrangement.
     The TD reminds relevant quota holders of the dual-plate private cars that they should possess a valid CRP of using their original crossings and bring along the approval letter issued by the TD in order to use the HZMB Hong Kong Port.
     The above-mentioned trial arrangement is only applicable for the vehicles going to or returning from the Zhuhai Port via the HZMB. Members of the public are reminded that if they wish to drive their private cars to the Macao Port via the HZMB, the private car must either possess a valid HZMB private car regular quota allocation for going to or returning from Macao and valid licences and permits issued by the Hong Kong and Macao governments, or have completed registration of the HZMB Macao Port Park-and-Ride Scheme and obtained a valid permit, including reserving parking spaces for the East Car Park of the HZMB Frontier Post at the Macao Port.

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