Lift contractor for Hin Keng Estate in Shatin fined


     The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) instituted prosecution against Lighthouse Elevator Engineering Limited, a registered lift contractor, last year for contravention of the requirements under the Lifts and Escalators Ordinance (Cap. 618). The defendant pleaded guilty to two charges and was fined $100,000 in total at Shatin Magistrates’ Courts today (January 7).
     Subsequent to public complaints and related media reports in May 2018, the EMSD inspected and tested the lifts of Hin Keng Estate in Shatin. The examination revealed that the overspeed governors of lift No. 5 at Hin Yau House and lift No.11 at Hin Wan House were not functioning effectively. As it involved the registered lift contractor, who failed to ensure the lift works were carried out properly, the EMSD initiated the prosecution.
     A spokesman for the EMSD stressed that the department would continue to enforce the law strictly to ensure safe and reliable lift services.
     The EMSD recommends the public to ensure the lift car has stopped before entering or leaving it. In case of abnormal lift operation, the responsible person for the lift should be notified as soon as possible, and the responsible person should then arrange registered lift contractor to carry out detailed examination for ensuring safety of the lift before resuming its operation.

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