Students invited to enrol in flower show drawing competition


     Primary and secondary school students interested in joining the Jockey Club Student Drawing Competition of the Hong Kong Flower Show 2019 are invited to enrol through their schools by January 8.
     Organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the competition will be held on March 15 at Victoria Park.
     The competition will be conducted in four categories: Junior Section in Primary School (Primary One to Primary Three), Senior Section in Primary School (Primary Four to Primary Six), Junior Section in Secondary School (Form One to Form Three) and Senior Section in Secondary School (Form Four to Form Six).
     The competition for the primary school categories will be held from 9am to noon, while that for the secondary school categories will be held from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.
     The competition will feature students' drawings of floral exhibits or garden displays in the showground with a view to enhancing awareness of conserving plants and the natural environment. Participants may draw or paint to illustrate the theme of this year's drawing competition, "When Dreams Blossom".
     The prospectus and entry form can be downloaded from the flower show webpage at Completed forms should be signed by the principals of the participating schools and sent to the Chairman of the Fringe Activities Sub-committee, Hong Kong Flower Show 2019, at 7/F, Kwun Chung Municipal Services Building, 17 Bowring Street, Jordan, Kowloon, or submitted by fax (2314 2205) on or before January 8.
     For enquiries, please call 2267 6577.
     This year's flower show will be held in Victoria Park for 10 days from March 15 to 24 featuring "When Dreams Blossom" as the main theme and with the Chinese hibiscus as the theme flower. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust is supporting the flower show for the seventh consecutive year and has been the Major Sponsor of the flower show since 2014.

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