Suspect in connection with a robbery case returned to Hong Kong


     Hong Kong Police received a suspect and the stolen goods in connection with a robbery case from the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau at the Lok Ma Chau Boundary Control Point today (December 19).

     A local male, aged 26, was in suspected connection with a robbery case happened on September 30 this year in which a shop on Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui was robbed of three watches with value totalled $600,000. The suspect fled to the Mainland after the case.

     With the information of the suspect, Police sought the assistance of the Ministry of Public Security and Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department. The suspect was subsequently arrested in the Mainland.

     Hong Kong Police were grateful for the invaluable assistance rendered by the Ministry of Public Security, Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department, Shenzhen Public Security Bureau, Zhuhai Public Security Bureau and Macao Judiciary Police, which resulted in the arrest of the suspect. The arrest of the suspect in the Mainland demonstrated the determination of the Police of the three places in combating crimes jointly and to uphold the rule of law.

     Active investigation by District Crime Squad of Yau Tsim District is underway.


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