News story: Committee on Radioactive Waste Management visit to Sizewell B

CoRWM team visit Sizewell B

The Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) visited the UK’s only operating Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR), Sizewell B, on 5 October 2018. The facility is operated by EDF Energy.

Officials from EDF Energy provided an introductory presentation to the CoRWM which included a high-level overview of waste management practices at the site, with a particular emphasis on safety. The Committee was impressed by the experience and commitment of the staff, and the high safety standards at the site.

The EDF Energy officials gave the Committee an excellent tour of the facility. The tour included visits to:

  • the Spent Fuel (SF) storage ponds
  • SF dry storage
  • the Intermediate Level Waste (ILW) store
  • the pin store
  • the generator hall.

Discussions with EDF Energy during the tour provided useful insights into waste management which the Committee will discuss with Radioactive Waste Management (RWM).

The Committee would like to thank EDF Energy for the opportunity to observe radioactive waste management in practice at Sizewell B.

Published 7 November 2018

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