Secretary for Security visits Tuen Mun (with photos)


     The Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, visited Tuen Mun this afternoon (November 2) to know more about its law and order situation and the livelihood conditions of the local community. He also called at a community service centre in the district.
     Accompanied by the Acting District Officer (Tuen Mun), Miss Jenny Yip, Mr Lee first met with members of the Tuen Mun District Council to exchange views on issues relating to local law and order situation and people's livelihood.
     Afterwards, Mr Lee visited the Tuen Mun Integrated Services Centre of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. The Centre provides integrated and professional support services for children, young people and families in the district with a view to building a caring community and fostering a positive attitude among the younger generation.
      Mr Lee was briefed on the services provided by the Centre while touring the facilities. He then met with participants of the Youth Dreamer Project, who shared their aspirations for the future. He encouraged them to seize the opportunities open to them and realise their dreams.
     Organised by the Centre, the Youth Dreamer Project is open to young people aged between 18 and 24. Participants can make use of the Project's savings matching fund to help achieve their objectives with further studies or start-ups.

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