“We must build on the success of Train, Work, Live” – Vaughan Gething


The medical phase of the campaign, now entering its third year, promotes Wales internationally as an excellent place for doctors, including GPs, to train, work and live.

The campaign includes two financial incentive schemes: a targeted scheme offering a £20,000 incentive to GP trainees taking up posts in specified areas [Ceredigion, North Wales and Pembrokeshire], with a trend of low fill rates, and a universal scheme offering a one off payment for all GP trainees to cover the cost of one sitting of their final examinations. Incentives will continue to be available in 2019.

The campaign also highlights a number of benefits for doctors coming to Wales, including an Education Contract for junior doctors, the first in the UK. It guarantees ring-fenced time for learning within the working week to ensure trainee doctors will have access to a wide range of educational opportunities to support their career development. 

Since the launch of the Train Work Live campaign, there has been a significant increase in the number of GP training places filled, including in some of the traditionally hard to recruit to rural areas.   There have also been improved fill rates in other specialities which have featured as part of the campaign.

In addition to attracting GPs to Wales, this year’s campaign will also continue to encourage doctors to consider training as a psychiatrist in Wales; it will also have a focus on supporting the recruitment of medical staff to roles in critical care.

Vaughan Gething said:

“Train, Work, Live is one of our flagship marketing campaigns and I’ve been delighted with what it has achieved so far.

“I am keen we continue to build on its success to ensure Wales has the medical workforce needed not only now, but in the future as well.”

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