Statement from Hannah Blythyn on flooding over the weekend


“My sympathies go out to all those who have been flooded over this weekend and in particular to the family of the young man who lost his life as a result of a landslide.

“I am grateful to the emergency services, local authorities, water companies and Natural Resources Wales who worked around the clock this weekend to support those who have been flooded, close roads, evacuate properties and are now working with affected communities to support the recovery.

“Over this Government term we will provide over £350 million investment across Wales to Local Authorities and Natural Resources Wales to reduce the risk of flooding and coastal erosion.  

“The full impacts of this flooding are still coming in, however we are also hearing reports of where our recent investment has prevented or reduced the impact of flooding. I will make a statement to the Assembly tomorrow to provide the latest update on the situation across Wales.

“Following any major flood event, local authorities are required to investigate the cause and impacts and publish this report.  Local authorities will work with other Risk Management Authorities, including NRW and Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water, to understand the full extent of the flood impacts and what lessons can be learnt.” 

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