Overview of the main subjects to be discussed at meetings of the Council of the EU over the next two weeks.
Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Tuesday 2 October 2018
Ministers will receive a presentation by the Commission on its proposal for supervision of anti-money laundering threats and will discuss indirect taxation matters.
Environment Council, Tuesday 9 October 2018
Environment ministers will aim to reach a general approach on CO2 standards for cars and vans, and will hold a policy debate on CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles. The Council is due to adopt conclusions on climate change and on biodiversity.
Justice and Home Affairs Council (Justice), Thursday 11 October 2018
The Council is expected to adopt a general approach on the directive on insolvency, restructuring and second chance. It will also discuss the e-evidence package, as well as the issue of mutual recognition in criminal matters and the implementation of the EPPO regulation.
Justice and Home Affairs Council (Home), Friday 12 October 2018
Home affairs ministers are expected to discuss Commission proposals on the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and on return. They will also exchange views on the Multiannual Financial Framework in the field of home affairs. The Presidency is expected to report on progress on asylum reform.
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