Further £3m support for fisheries, environment and food industry to prepare for Brexit


Over £1.2million will help support research into future fisheries management.  Leaving the European Union has the potential to significantly change fisheries management in the UK with issues around access to waters, sharing of quotas and tariff and non-tariff barriers. This project will help identify potential new Welsh fisheries and opportunities.

An initial £700,000 will develop sustainable brand values which will differentiate Welsh food products in a changing market. 

Natural Resources Wales will receive £700,000 to assist with the provision of transitional Permitting and Licencing arrangements.

A further £550,000 will help meet the EU’s stringent rules on wood packaging materials entering the EU from third countries and £96,000 will support the possible need for Export Health Certification to export produce of animal origin from Wales to the EU, if the UK should leave the single market.

The £50 million EU Transition Fund was announced in January 2018 and is already providing direct financial support to sectors across Wales to plan and prepare for the significant changes of Brexit.  

Earlier this week, First Minister Carwyn Jones announced multi million pound support for Advanced Manufacturing through the EU Transition Fund to help some of our largest companies up-skill and prepare for a post-Brexit world

The Cabinet Secretary will outline the details of the five new projects at her Brexit Roundtable group later today.

The Cabinet Secretary said:  

“It is just over six months until the UK leaves the European Union and the risk of a ‘no deal’ looms large.  A ‘no deal’ departure from the EU would have a catastrophic impact on our economy and jobs. The publication of the latest set of technical notes only further highlights the possibility of a world of new burdens, red tape, disruption and uncertainty.

“That is why it is so crucial that our industries put themselves in the best position and prepare for a post-Brexit world.  We have said from day one that it is our role as a government to do all we can to help sectors prepare and adapt to these challenges. 

“I am therefore pleased to announce today that five new projects will receive £3.2 million through our EU Transition Fund – it is a big step forward in supporting our industries to get ready for what’s ahead.  In total, we’ve invested £6m through the fund for projects relating to my portfolio, providing crucial support at this critical time.

“We know that leaving the EU will be particularly difficult for the fishing and food industry.  The funding they will receive through this fund will help ensure them maximise any emerging opportunities, ensure their competitiveness in changing markets and enable them to thrive in a post-Brexit world.”

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