Become a #DustBuster and show your support for our health campaign


Our inspectors will be visiting construction sites across Great Britain to see if businesses have measures in place to protect their workers’ lungs from the likes of asbestos, silica and wood dust. We will specifically be looking for evidence of construction workers knowing the risk, planning their work and using the right controls.

Become a #DustBuster and show your support to the campaign by downloading our free selfie cards and sending us your photos via the #DustBuster and #WorkRight hashtags on Twitter at @H_S_E, or on Facebook via @hsegovuk and @SaferSites. We will retweet and repost the best ones so get involved!

Is your site ready for a health inspection? Find out here.

Selfie sign – enjoy retirement

Selfie sign – kids

Selfie sign – lung cancer burden

Selfie sign – occupational asthma

Selfie sign – play footy

Selfie sign – die young #2

Selfie sign – die young

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