Transparency data: River and coastal maintenance programmes


Updated: Information updated to reflect the publishing of the 5 year flood and coastal risk management asset maintenance programme

Flood and coastal risk management asset maintenance programme

The Environment Agency maintains a wide range of flood and coastal risk management (FCRM) assets, such as embankments, pumping stations and flood gates, which protect people and property from the risk of flooding.

Five year flood and coastal risk management asset maintenance programme

The first year (2018/19) of the Environment Agency’s 5 year FCRM asset maintenance programme is our approved funded delivery programme for April 2018 to March 2019. This programme is updated every 3 months to show progress.

The following 4 years of the programme show the maintenance needs that we have currently identified that will be considered and prioritised for potential funding as part of our annual Flood Defence Grant in Aid allocation process.
The allocation process takes into account the benefits and costs of the work and other factors such as legal obligations. A need shown on the programme for future years does not imply that funding will be available to undertake the work. As new future maintenance needs are identified they will be added to the programme as an annual update.

The programme is presented as an interactive map. To use the map enter the desired postcode or use the zoom tool to view the flood risk management assets in your area of interest then click on a feature to find information about the asset and planned work.

Five year flood and coastal risk management asset maintenance investment programme (PDF document)

This 5 year FCRM asset maintenance investment programme shows the type of work planned and the amount of funding available to maintain these assets to the required standard.
Select your local regional flood and coastal committee to find out the amount of intended funding for maintenance in your area over the next 5 years.

Programme of flood and coastal erosion risk management schemes

Owning a watercourse

Flood and sea defences: when maintenance stops

Flood and sea defences: designated assets on your land

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