Forty citizens commended for helping police fight crime (with photos)


     Forty citizens who helped the Police fight crime were commended at the Good Citizen Award (GCA) Presentation Ceremony today (September 5).
     Speaking at the presentation ceremony, the Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police (Management), Mr Kwok Yam-shu, noted that crime figures in the first half of 2018 decreased by 6.2 per cent year-on-year to 26 550 cases, marking a record low since 1977. He attributed the low crime rates in Hong Kong in recent years to the concerted efforts of the Police and citizens. He also commended the GCA recipients for taking the initiative to help the Police fight crime, adding that they demonstrated the spirit of bravery and mutual help.

     Also officiating at the ceremony, Dr Cheng Kam-chung, a member of the Fight Crime Committee, said that the low crime rate in Hong Kong was achieved through long-term mutual trust and co-operation between the Police and the community. He hoped members of the public would continue to help Police fight crime and maintain law and order of the society.

     General Committee Member of Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, Ms Chan Sui-kuen, praised GCA recipients as role models for citizens at the ceremony. She hoped more citizens would join the league to promote such acts of bravery and justice.

     With the help of the awardees, more than 30 persons were arrested for a variety of offences including trafficking in dangerous drugs, theft, robbery, arson with intent, indecent assault and outraging public decency.

     The youngest awardee, Mr Liu Kin-leung, aged 19, helped intercept and subdue a man who took upskirt photo of a female. The man was convicted of outraging public decency and sentenced to three weeks’ imprisonment.

     The eldest awardee, Mr Wu Wing-hong, aged 67, helped identify a male culprit who stole a passenger’s properties on a flight to Hong Kong. The man was convicted of theft and sentenced to 10 months’ imprisonment.

     Presented twice a year, the Award is organised by the Police Public Relations Branch and sponsored by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. Each of the awardees receives a certificate and a cheque of $3,000. Since 1973, more than 4,000 persons have been commended over the years.

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