Welcome home ceremony for Hong Kong, China Delegation to 18th Asian Games (with photos)


     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government hosted a welcome home ceremony at Hong Kong International Airport today (September 3) to greet the Hong Kong, China Delegation to the 18th Asian Games on their triumphant return from the Games.
     Speaking at the ceremony, the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Lau Kong-wah, praised the Hong Kong athletes for their exceptional achievements at the Games. The Hong Kong delegation won a total of 46 medals, comprising eight gold, 18 silver and 20 bronze. Describing the results as most encouraging, Mr Lau said that Hong Kong citizens were impressed by and proud of these athletes, who had demonstrated strong determination and great perseverance in striving for the best.
     Mr Lau added, "The Government has all along been boosting the development of sports and supporting the athletes at full steam. In the coming years, we will allocate $60 billion towards sport projects, including the construction of the Kai Tak Sports Park as well as 26 sports and recreation facilities in the community. The Government will also continue to devote resources in support of elite athletes and National Sports Associations in organising more high-level and large-scale sports events in Hong Kong."
     The 18th Asian Games was held between August 18 and September 2 in Jakarta and Palembang in Indonesia. Hong Kong sent a record-breaking delegation of some 580 athletes to the Games, which took part in 36 events.   
     Other guests attending the ceremony today included the President of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, Mr Timothy Fok; the Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs, Mrs Cherry Tse; the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Ms Michelle Li; and the Chef de Mission of the Delegation, Mr Herman Hu.

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