Corporate report: NDA Direct Research Portfolio (DRP) Projects: Quarterly Update


Updated: Updated with latest version.

The Direct Research Portfolio (DRP) addresses issues that could affect multiple sites, or Site Licence Companies, in areas of strategy, technology innovation and skills.

This document shows the DRP projects that are ongoing or were commissioned during Financial Year 2018 to 2019. Each project is aligned to an R&D topic in the NDA’s 5 year R&D plan.

The document shows the contractor, purchase order value, R&D driver and current status.

Where projects are complete, the final reports are available upon request.

This information is updated quarterly as new projects are awarded.

These projects are delivered through competed framework contracts awarded to a wide range of supply chain organisations, based on the following themes:

Lot A – University interactions

Scope: to ensure the right level of academic technical capability is available.

Lead contractor Consortium members
National Nuclear Laboratory Frazer-Nash Consulting

Lot B – Integrated waste management and site decommissioning and remediation


Integrated Waste Management

Higher Activity Wastes (HAW)

  • development and analysis of options for HAW management
  • development of innovative technologies
  • sponsoring R&D that enables the NDA to respond strategically to government policy and oversee Site Licence Companies’ HAW work

Lower Level Wastes, non-radioactive and hazardous waste

  • sponsoring R&D that enables the NDA to respond strategically to government policy and oversee SLCs’ work
    on these wastes Site Decommissioning and Remediation
  • technical underpinning for the NDA’s strategy on decommissioning, land quality and site end states
Lead contractor Consortium members
Wood Group (previously Amec Foster Wheeler Ltd) Andra, Brenk Systemplanung and Jülich Research Centre, Cogentus Consulting, DAS Ltd, Imperial College London, Longenecker & Associates, MMI Engineering, NuVision, OC Robotics, Fortum, University of Birmingham, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge, University of Manchester
Arcadis Consulting (UK) Ltd AdvanSci, Applied Photonics (APL), Areva RMC, Aurora, ESI, MDecon, Pöyry, ProNu-Dec, Tradebe Inutec, TWI, University of Liverpool, Dalton Nuclear Institute, University of Surrey
Arup Costain, Pöyry, Studsvik, James Fisher Nuclear Ltd, SN3, AdvanSci, MCM, Bilfinger GVA, Pinsent
Masons, CL:AIRE, r3 Environmental Technology, Dalton Nuclear Institute  
Eden NE Ltd Cavendish Nuclear, DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Golder Associates Limited, Tradebe Inutec,
Project Time and Cost International Limited  
Galson Sciences Ltd National Nuclear Laboratory, Frazer-Nash Consulting, Advansci, Amphos 21, Cogentus Consulting, Integrated Decision Management, Jacobs, Kurion, Rodgers Leask, VTT, University of Bristol,
Lancaster University, University of Leeds, University of Manchester, University of Sheffield  
NSG Environmental Ltd AECOM, ARC, Oxford Technologies, NPL, ESG, Quintessa, React Engineering, KDC, Tradebe Inutec, Synergy Health, Nuclear AMRC, Loughborough University, University of Manchester,
University of Surrey  

Lot C – Spent fuel and nuclear materials


Sponsoring R&D that enables the NDA to set and monitor Site Licence Company delivery of our strategy on Magnox spent fuel, oxide spent fuel, exotic fuels and uranics

  • ensuring skills in spent fuel management and plutonium handling are maintained over the longer term
  • to support NDA development of options for managing the UK’s uranics inventory and stockpile of separated plutonium
  • sponsoring R&D that enables the NDA to respond to government policy and oversee SLC activities on
    management of uranics and plutonium
Lead contractor Consortium members
Wood Group (previously Amec Foster Wheeler Ltd) Andra, Brenk Systemplanung and Jülich Research Centre, DAS Ltd, Fortum, MMI Engineering, NPL, NRG, OC Robotics, Studsvik, University of Birmingham, University of Manchester, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge, Loughborough University, Imperial College
Areva NC NSG Consultancy, MDecon, Quintessa, University of Liverpool, University of Sheffield
National Nuclear Laboratory Frazer-Nash Consulting, Galson Sciences Ltd, ALD France, Aquila Nuclear Engineering, DBD, DAS, IDM, Jacobs, Kurion, Rodgers-Leask, University of Bristol, Lancaster University, University of Leeds, University of Manchester, University of Sheffield, Imperial College

Livelink ref: 23012904

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