Chairman of Committee on Community Support for Rehabilitated Offenders encourages CSD’s passing-out members (with photos)


     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) held a passing-out parade at its Staff Training Institute in Stanley today (August 2) with 134 Assistant Officers II graduating. The Chairman of the Committee on Community Support for Rehabilitated Offenders, Mr Siu Chor-kee, reviewed the parade.

     Addressing the passing-out parade, Mr Siu said the CSD has all along been placing dual emphasis on safe custody and rehabilitation. The CSD is committed to providing excellent custodial management, protecting public safety and building a safe and secure platform for the implementation of rehabilitation work. On the other hand, the CSD continues to innovate and provide new rehabilitation programmes for persons in custody. In recent years, the CSD has proactively reached out to the community, launching diversified community education programmes to help prevent crimes with remarkable results.

     He said that in a period spanning more than 10 years, he has witnessed the development of correctional work. In 2003, he was invited to serve as a member of the Committee on Community Support for Rehabilitated Offenders, and since then he has gradually come to understand the meaning of correctional work and its importance to social stability. He said the CSD has a passion for promoting rehabilitation work, and added that, inspired by the CSD's passion, he actively participates in its various activities which enhance employment opportunities for rehabilitated persons. He has also registered as a member under the Caring Employers programme of the CSD. In 2014, he was invited to serve as the Chairman of the Committee on Community Support for Rehabilitated Offenders.

     Mr Siu said that his participation in the rehabilitation work of the CSD, whether in the capacity as the Chairman of the Committee on Community Support for Rehabilitated Offenders, as an employer from the business sector or in any other capacity, for example as the Chairman of the District Fight Crime Committee of Kowloon City, has enabled him to gain a more thorough understanding of correctional services in Hong Kong from different perspectives. Describing correctional officers as unsung heroes, he said they have all along been working conscientiously and contributing to maintaining the safety and stability of Hong Kong while never asking for applause. As correctional work is arduous, he encouraged all passing-out members to rise to the challenges and commit themselves fully to perform their duties, serve the public and contribute to society without fear.

     Two passing-out members spoke to the media after the parade. Assistant Officer II Mr Chan Hei-yee joined the CSD after being inspired by his parents, who are former CSD staff. He said that he will strive to serve society and help persons in custody to rehabilitate. Assistant Officer II Ms Liu Choi-shing joined the CSD after being influenced by her brother, who is a serving officer of the CSD. She expressed the belief that correctional work is meaningful in that it can help people get back on track. She said she will continue to discharge her duties with perseverance so as to contribute to society.

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