Green corridors to improve gateways into Wales Green corridors to improve gateways into Wales


The Green Corridors on the Welsh Government Trunk Road and Motorway Network initiative will deliver against the Economic Action Plan “Prosperity for All”, creating a sustainable economy and promoting the economic, cultural, social and environmental well-being, and enhancing people’s quality of life in Wales. 

Over a five year period the initiative will deliver a programme of work and activities such as tree planting to improve structure and age range of the planted area, and introducing wildflower areas or improving the diversity of existing areas.

Transport Secretary Ken Skates said:

“Wales has the potential to be a world class sustainable tourist destination and I am pleased to announce my decision to approve a ‘Green Corridors on the Welsh Government Trunk Road and Motorway Network’ initiative.

“It will build upon and complement other work already completed or underway to improve the benefits provided by the land associated with the trunk road and motorway network, delivering a range of economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits.”

The priorities set will see work beginning during the current financial year along the three routes making up the Wales Way (A487, A470 and A55) as well as entrances into Wales on the M4, M48, A483, A5 and A494 Deeside to identify and carry out measures to achieve the initiative.

Work will continue in subsequent years with the addition of other gateway routes and strategic sites such as principal towns and cities. Opportunities will be explored and actions taken that include restoring existing or creating new habitats or providing safe crossing points for protected species.

Ken Skates added:

“We will seek opportunities to investigate and implement Nature Based Solutions such as using vegetated systems for sustainable drainage, or tree and shrub planting for earthworks stabilization, in both the design of new road infrastructure projects and along the existing network. 

Applying the principles of Green Corridors will set us as an exemplar of best practice, showing innovation in the sustainable management of green transport infrastructure.”

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