Government’s response to media enquiries


     In response to media enquiries about an individual planning to make a submission to the Central People's Government (CPG) to request releasing certain military sites for housing development, a Government spokesperson responded today (July 12) as follows:

     The status and nature of military sites are different from other land in Hong Kong. According to the stipulations in the Basic Law and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Garrisoning of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the use and management of military sites are matters of national defence for which CPG has sole responsibility, and are not matters of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).
     All existing military sites are used for defence purposes with none left idle. The HKSAR Government has no plan to seek any change to the use of these sites.
     Military sites are matters concerning national defence and the CPG. They are not an option for increasing land supply.

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