Invitation to tender for the Cardiff to Anglesey PSO air service launched


The Invitation to Tender (ITT) has been advertised on the Sell2Wales ePortal.

The PSO air service will:

  • improve accessibility, enabling the opening up of new markets and encouraging greater investment in North West Wales
  • support the tourism sector by improving access to the region

The new operator will be encouraged to maximise patronage on the route through strategically focused pricing and marketing plans and to use innovative yield management approaches to maximise social inclusion.

The operator must comply with the Civilian Aviation regulations for Disabled Persons and Persons of Reduced Mobility.

Transport Secretary Ken Skates said:

“The Cardiff to Anglesey air service has seen significant passenger growth during the last 12 months. I aim to further develop this growth and the travel opportunities provided by this vital link between north and south Wales by securing a new operator for the service for the next four years.

We are looking to secure a reliable, experienced, established operator who shares our ambition to grow and develop the Cardiff to Anglesey route including working with us on options to move to a larger aircraft and to deliver improved connectivity for north Wales.”

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