Major landmark reached as 100 projects completed through the 21st Century Schools and Education Programme


Education Secretary, Kirsty Williams, announced today that the programme has reached a major milestone with the completion of the 100th project in Band A, the first wave of investment.

The Education Secretary was speaking at the inaugural Education Buildings Wales conference which is being held at Cardiff University.

With a further 63 schemes under construction or approved to proceed, Band A is already on target to significantly surpass its target of 150 schools and colleges to be rebuilt or refurbished.

This represents an investment of £1.4 billion in education infrastructure across Wales and has encompassed a wide variety of schemes catering for the different needs of all learners and communities.

Kirsty Williams said:

“From impressive new college campuses in Cardiff and Aberdare to brand new schools accommodating pupils aged 3-16 in Llandysul and Holywell, our 21st Century Schools and Education Programme continues to deliver for learners across the length and breadth of Wales.

“The Programme represents the largest investment in our schools and colleges since the 1960s. Investing alongside local authorities and further education colleges, we have been able to create buildings that meet the needs of learners, teachers and the wider community and offer the kind of facilities that are truly befitting of the 21st Century.

“But we’re not stopping there. Band B of the Programme will begin in April 2019 and will be even more ambitious, investing a further £2.3 billion.

“We will continue to make sure that we have the right size schools and colleges, in the right location; well-designed, safe and energy-efficient buildings that provide enough places to deliver Welsh and English medium education and that represent good value for money.

“I am proud to celebrate this achievement and look forward to the good news continuing as we move into the second phase of the Programme.”

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