Press Releases: Mother’s Day Violence in Nicaragua


Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

May 31, 2018

The United States condemns the Nicaraguan government’s violent response to peaceful Mother’s Day marches in Managua and other cities yesterday, including assaults on mothers mourning their children killed since protests began April 18. The United States also condemns the beatings of journalists and attacks against local TV and radio stations.

The international community and the citizens of Nicaragua have repeatedly urged the Nicaraguan government to order its police and thugs to stop the violence, respect human rights, and create conditions for a peaceful path forward. Those individuals responsible for human rights violations will be held accountable by the international community in international fora.

The United States urges an immediate investigation by the independent interdisciplinary group of experts to investigate the deaths and violence in Nicaragua, as agreed upon by the Nicaraguan government and Inter American Commission on Human Rights.

Despite the suspension of the church-led dialogue, the United States supports peaceful negotiations to end the crisis.