FS attends China International Big Data Industry Expo in Guiyang


     The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, today (May 26) attended the China International Big Data Industry Expo 2018 in Guiyang and met with senior officials of the Government of Guizhou Province. 

     Yesterday upon arrival, he took part in a seminar for key guests of the Expo. Participants of the seminar included Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Mr Wang Chen, as well as a number of entrepreneurs and academics.

     This morning, Mr Chan attended the opening ceremony of the Expo and toured the Expo.

     This afternoon, Mr Chan received updates on the latest developments in the big data industry of Guizhou. Apart from visiting the demonstration centre of the Guizhou big data pilot zone to learn more about Guizhou’s development goal, planning on this front and the measures in place, he also paid a visit to a local high-tech enterprise, which has made use of big data in developing its online medical service business.

     Mr Chan then hold separate meetings with the Governor of Guizhou Province and Deputy Secretary of Guizhou Provincial CPC Committee, Ms Shen Yiqin, and Secretary of the Guiyang CPC Committee, Mr Zhao Deming, to explore closer co-operation between Hong Kong and Guizhou in various areas, such as big data and smart city development.

     He said that Hong Kong SAR Government is committed in developing innovation and technology (I&T) as the new engine of economic growth. To this end, he has set aside in this year’s Budget over $50 billion to support Hong Kong's I&T development, which will focuses on four key areas, namely, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, smart city and financial technologies.

     Tomorrow, Mr Chan will address different forums in the Expo and meet Hong Kong people in Guizhou before returning to Hong Kong in the afternoon. 

     Focusing on the most recent developments of big data technology, the four-day Expo features a series of activities, such as an exhibition, summits and forums, to discuss the revolutionary changes in big data development.

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