News story: New IPO steering board chair appointed


The appointment follows the retirement of Bob Gilbert from the role at the end of March 2018.

He is a member of the Ofcom Board and was previously a non-executive director on the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) Steering Board. As chair, Tim will provide effective strategic leadership to the Steering Board and support to the executive team.

Tim brings a wealth of experience to the role.

Commenting on his appointment Tim Suter said:

I’m delighted to have been appointed to this important role and look forward to working with Tim Moss and his team. The IPO has an excellent reputation for the quality of rights it delivers for customers. Part of the reason this reputation is down to the value it places on its people. I will work to ensure the IPO continues to deliver for both its customers and its’ staff.

The role of our Steering Board is to advise ministers, through our Director General, on our strategies and performance (including targets) as set out in our corporate plan. It provides guidance from a commercial standpoint on our operation and development across a range of issues.

During the last 12 months, the Steering Board has provided advice and guidance on a wide range of topics. These include our corporate plan, agency targets, intellectual property policy, accounts and risk management. The Steering Board meets six times a year.