News story: CoRWM responds to consultations on geological disposal


Consultation responses

3 consultations relating to key pieces of policy regarding the geological disposal of radioactive waste in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland were launched on 25 January 2018 and closed on 20 April 2018. The Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) has now published its responses to these consultations on the website.

The 3 policy documents and CoRWM’s responses are as follows:


The 2014 white paper Implementing Geological Disposal set out the actions and roadmap for development of these policy documents.

CoRWM developed its responses through:

  • subgroup meetings.
  • members’ attendance at 7 consultation workshops held by BEIS
  • correspondence within the committee.

CoRWM finalised its response at a plenary meeting in March.

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