Press release: Minister Field to visit Paris for talks with the OECD


FCO Minister Mark Field will meet Angel Gurria, Secretary General of OECD on Monday (5 March) for discussions on their work on the Asia region.

Mr Field will also meet representatives today (2 March) from the French Government for talks on UK-French cooperation on the current challenges in the Asia region, including Burma and North Korea, and will attend a meeting at the British Embassy with Ambassadors and representatives from ASEAN countries. Minister Field will also discuss international energy priorities with International Energy Agency Executive Director Fatih Birol.

Speaking ahead of the visit to Paris, Minister for Asia and the Pacific Mark Field said;

I look forward to productive meetings in Paris, including with Angel Gurria, Secretary General of the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development, to explore how their work can support UK priorities in the Asia region. The UK is already a strong supporters of the OECD’s South East Asia Regional Programme and my visit will be an opportunity to strengthen our work further.

I am also looking forward to discussing important issues across the Asia region with my French counterparts. There is increasing convergence with our French colleagues on many of these issues and we deeply value the work we do together.

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