Additional £10m for social services in Wales to deal with winter pressures


The Cabinet Secretary made the announcement ahead of a statement in the Assembly later this afternoon, in which he will update Assembly Members on how NHS Wales, local authorities and partners are managing winter pressures across health and care in Wales. 

Health and Social Services Secretary, Vaughan Gething said:

“Health and social services in Wales have been under significant pressure this winter, like the rest of the UK. It is testament to the commitment and skill of staff that the vast majority of people continue to receive the care they need in a compassionate, professional and timely manner.

“Social care plays a huge part in delivering care as close to home as possible. I realise it has been under considerable pressure over recent months. In recognition of the demand being experienced, I have decided to provide an additional £10m to Local Authorities to enable social services to support people in their homes and communities.”

Minister for Children and Social Care, Huw Irranca-Davies added:

“Our health and social care services are heavily dependent on each other. So I’m really pleased we have been able to put this extra £10m investment into our social services, so that local government can continue providing high quality social services to people across Wales.

“I want to thank our social services staff who continue to deliver high quality care during what continues to be a very challenging time.”

This investment is in addition to the additional £10m the Health Secretary announced earlier this year to support frontline services to support them in taking immediate action to help improve care.

The Welsh Government also invests £60m a year through its Integrated Care Fund, which is being used to develop more care and support at or close to home and help prevent unnecessary hospital admissions and delays in discharges.

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