Miller’s Wynd car park improvements #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that, back in November, I highlighted the poor maintenance of the Miller’s Wynd car park – the foliage was very tired and there were dumped items across the car park.    

The acquisition by Dundee City Council of the Miller’s Wynd car park – from the University of Dundee – has provided much-needed additional free 2 hour parking in this area of Perth Road.   However, it is important the infrastucture of the car park is improved and I contacted Dundee City Council seeking improvements.

I am pleased to say that the overgrown foliage has now been tackled and the dumped items removed – see below :
The Head of Roads and Transportation at the council has now advised me :

“I hope to see this car park given a fuller bit of design attention and I will … arrange for a bit of multi department design, surface, vegetation, seating, recycling, lighting and issues and there will be an element of community co-design.
This all won’t happen overnight and it is not best if we do it in uncoordinated manner/piecemeal manner without an end plan.”

It has been agreed that at a community walkabout I am participating in soon – along with council officers, community council and ward colleagues – the car park will be visited and plans further discussed.   The main purpose of the walkabout is to agree specific actions to improve West End car parking – hopefully this will result in concrete progress on this long-standing problem.

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