Government defeat in a landmark court case against PIP legislation – Debbie Abrahams


Debbie Abrahams MP, Shadow Work and Pensions
commenting on the Government defeat in a landmark
court case against “discriminatory” Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
legislation, said:

“This landmark ruling is a damning indictment of
the Government’s discriminatory approach to PIP support and its refusal to make
this support available to people with mental health conditions. So much for the
Prime Minister’s commitment to deliver parity of esteem for mental health.

“When the Government should have been listening to
successive court rulings on PIP payments and correcting injustices for people
with debilitating mental health conditions, they decided to undermine the legal
basis for the judgments and introduce emergency legislation. This was a step
too far, even for this Tory Government.

“Labour is committed to overturn the emergency
regulations and make PIP available to people with mental health conditions, as
well as scrapping the PIP assessments to develop a personalised, holistic
assessment process which provides each individual with support and a tailored


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