Government favours tax dodgers over tax payers – Peter Dowd


Peter Dowd MP, Labour’s Shadow Chief
Secretary to the Treasury responding to the Government voting down Labour’s
amendments to the Finance Bill:

“This Conservative Government has
once again demonstrated that it favours tax dodgers over tax payers, bankers
over single mothers and large multinationals over public sector workers.

“This evening’s votes saw the
Government block Labour’s amendments which would have required the Minister to
publish an equalities impact assessment on all economic policies and forced
ministers to review the tax gap.

“The next Labour Government is
committed to ensuring that all our policies have equality impact assessments,
and we will implement thorough measures to crack down on tax dodging under our
Tax Transparency and Enforcement Programme. Unlike the Conservatives, we will
create a country and an economy that works for the many and not just a
privileged few.”

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