Local government is under enormous pressure because of politically motivated Tory cuts – Gwynne


Andrew Gwynne MP, Shadow Communities and Local Government Secretary, responding to the Local Government Finance Settlement announced in the House of Commons by Sajid Javid, Communities and Local Government Secretary, said:

“Local government is under enormous pressure because of politically motivated Tory cuts that have hit the poorest areas hardest since 2010. Local councils have seen their budgets slashed by 40 per cent since the Tories came to power. 

“The council tax precept has already proven to be an inadequate and short-term sticking plaster for a problem which needs long-term answers. Shifting the burden on to council tax payers creates a postcode lottery in services with the most deprived authorities suffering most.

“This Conservative Government won’t stand up for working people and ordinary families are paying the price as councils are forced to cut services to fill the gap. We need to elect as many Labour Councillors as possible on the 3rd May next year to stand up against these unfair Tory cuts.”

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