New research shows there are far too many young people gambling in Britain today – Tom Watson


Tom Watson MP,
Labour’s Shadow Secretary State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport,
responding to the
Gambling Commission’s ‘Young People and Gambling 2017 Survey’, said:

“This new
research from the gambling commission shows that there are still far too many
young people gambling in Britain today.

“It is worrying
that children continue to be bombarded with adverts promoting gambling through
TV, online and via social media. 80 per cent of young people say they see
gambling adverts on TV each week.

“The rise of
‘skins’ gambling and other forms of gambling online or in games which encourage
children to trade-in cosmetic online items for cash, only serve to demonstrate
that our gambling laws are woefully out of date.

“The next Labour
government will bring in a new Gambling Act that ensures our gambling laws are
fit for the digital age and finally tackle Britain’s hidden gambling epidemic.”

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