Tories’ record on children & young people’s mental health has been shocking – Keeley


Keeley MP, Labour’s Shadow Cabinet Minister for Mental Health,
commenting on
the announcement of measures contained within the new Children and Young
People’s Green Paper, said:

announcement leaves many unanswered questions, in particular whether the
reported funding will amount to new investment and whether the incentives
offered will lead to every school being able to offer proper mental health
support to their pupils.

is clear, however, is that the Tories’ record on children and young people’s
mental health has been shocking, with a postcode lottery of provision across
Child and Adolescent Mental Health services and many long waits for

Tories can only be taken seriously on children and young people’s mental health
by following Labour’s example and pledging to increase spending on these
services, ring-fencing budgets and ensuring children and young people have
access to a counselling service in every secondary school.”

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