The Government still has no plan to fix the housing crisis – John Healey


Responding to scheduled speeches by the Prime Minister and Communities Secretary tomorrow, Labour’s Shadow Secretary for Housing, John Healey MP, said:

“After seven years of failure on housing, Ministers still have no plan to fix the housing crisis. Since 2010, housing problems have got worse on all fronts, from rising homelessness to falling home-ownership.

“The number of newly-built homes is still far below what is needed. Just as importantly, the number of new genuinely affordable social rented homes is at the lowest level since records began and the number of new low-cost homes to buy has halved since 2010.

“The public must have confidence that new homes being built will be affordable to them and their families. If the Prime Minister wants to help families on ordinary incomes, she should back Labour’s plan to build 100,000 new genuinely affordable homes a year, help first-time buyers and give renters new consumer rights including control on rents.”

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