The Prime Minister has at least four serious grounds to launch an investigation into breaches of the Ministerial Code by Priti Patel – Jon Trickett


Trickett MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office,
commenting on further reports about
Priti Patel’s secret meetings with members of a foreign Government, said:

Downing Street has confirmed that even after she was caught, Priti Patel was
far from frank in her meeting with the Prime Minister yesterday about her
secret meetings and discussions with members of a foreign Government. 

Number 10 have confirmed that the first they knew that Priti Patel had
discussed giving aid to a foreign army was when it was reported today by the

Prime Minister has at least four serious grounds to launch an investigation
into breaches of the Ministerial Code by Priti Patel.

should act now to launch an investigation of these serious breaches of the
ministerial code or explain why even given this she believes that Priti Patel
can stay in post.” 

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