Labour win binding Commons decision on the release of economic impact studies to the Brexit Select Committee


MPs have
unanimously passed a Labour motion calling on the Government to share the 58
Brexit impact studies to a parliamentary select committee.

Speaker of the House of Commons has been clear that today’s decision is
binding. Speaking during the debate, John Bercow, said: “Motions of this kind
have in the past been seen as effective or binding.” 

Labour is
now calling on ministers to urgently set a date for when the papers will be
released to the Brexit Select Committee.

Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow Brexit Secretary, said:

is a victory for Parliament and for democracy.

has been absolutely clear since the referendum that ministers could not
withhold vital information from Parliament about the impact of Brexit on jobs
and the economy.

completely unacceptable for the Tories to have wasted months avoiding
responsible scrutiny and trying to keep the public in the dark. The reality is
that it should not have taken an ancient Parliamentary procedure to get
ministers to listen to common sense.

the Speaker has made clear, the Government cannot ignore tonight’s binding
decision. David Davis must now respond to Parliament’s ruling and urgently set
a date for when he will share these papers.”

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