Karen Bradley should keep her promise and make sure the tech giants do the right thing – Watson


Watson, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and

commenting on accusations the Conservatives have rolled back on manifesto
commitments on internet safety, said:

Culture Secretary seems to have bowed to pressure from the social media giants
before her strategy had even been published. 

Tories made a clear and unambiguous promise in their manifesto to bring forward
legislation to compel social media providers and other internet firms to pay a
levy – but it’s now been watered down to a voluntary levy. We know from the
gambling industry that a voluntary system allows companies to ignore their
responsibilities and to underpay. Karen Bradley should keep her promise and
make sure the tech giants do the right thing. 

have had nearly a decade to deal with these issues and failed. I find it hard
to believe a voluntary code will change much. They may evade appropriate
regulation from the Tories but they should know that a future Labour government
will not succumb to their lobbying power.“

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