Press release: PM call with President Trump: 10 October 2017


Prime Minister Theresa May tonight spoke with Donald Trump ahead of the US President’s upcoming decision on recertifying the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA).

The Prime Minister reaffirmed the UK’s strong commitment to the deal alongside our European partners, saying it was vitally important for regional security.

The Prime Minister stressed that it was important that the deal was carefully monitored and properly enforced.

Mrs May and the President also discussed the need for the UK, US and others to work together to counter destabilising Iranian activity in the region.

The Prime Minister and President agreed that their teams should remain in contact ahead of the decision on recertification.

They also discussed the importance of the jobs provided by the Bombardier factory to the people and economy of Northern Ireland.

The Prime Minister also reiterated her condolences to the President in the wake of the terrible shooting in Las Vegas.

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