Wales the place for Legendary Autumn breaks as figures show increases in visitors and spend for summer


Figures released today show that there were 4.24 million overnight trips to Wales from Great Britain between January and June 2017, an increase of 6.3% on the same period in 2016. The amount of spend during this period has also increased to £724 million pounds an increase of 9.5% compared to January to June 2016. 

In comparison, volume of trips and nights taken in Great Britain between January and June 2017 has slightly fallen compared to the same period in 2016, with 53.09 million trips and 146.89 million nights.  The amount of spend has increased by 3.6% to £10,133 million.

Economy Secretary, Ken Skates, said: 

“These figures for the first half of 2017 are extremely encouraging and I’m delighted that overnight stays from GB visitors are again showing recovery and growth – especially when looking at the GB wide picture – where numbers have fallen.  

“Although market conditions remain challenging we remain on track to achieve 10% growth of the industry by 2020 and the tourism industry is in a strong position, with confidence levels high as we go into the Autumn.  

“Following our successful summer campaign targeting London and South East of England, our Autumn campaign will begin next week which will inspire new high-yield visitors to consider Wales as destination for a legendary autumn weekend.”

Visit Wales’ integrated autumn campaign includes a mixture of TV advertising, digital, press partnerships and extensive out of home advertising in Paddington station.   The campaign will be a showcase the range of things to do and see – and giving one last consumer facing push to the Year of Legends theme as the year draws to a close. 

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