Police detain 1,350 suspected ticket scalpers


Chinese railway police have arrested 1,350 suspects in a national campaign against ticket scalping during the National Day holiday.

Around 83,000 tickets have been confiscated, with 1,198 cases closed, police said in a statement.

Over 2,700 squads comprising some 12,000 policemen took part in the two-month campaign, which is scheduled to conclude on Oct. 8, the last day of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays.

Police have increased patrols around railway stations, and ran inspections at entrances to stations. They also encouraged the public to report scalpers.

Ticket scalping is a major problem around public holidays as the demand for tickets is high.

Chinese railways set a new high in passenger traffic with more than 15 million trips made on Sunday, the first day of the National Day holiday, according to China Railway Corporation.

The company forecast that railways nationwide will receive around 130 million passengers in the 11 days following Sept. 28.

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