Solidarity strengthens nations addressing severe challenges, Georgia’s Prime Minister tells UN Assembly


21 September 2017 – Offering his condolences to the victims of the recent natural disasters in North America, Georgia’s Prime Minister, Giorgi Kvirikashvili, told delegations at the United Nations today that no country is immune from natural disasters, saying “solidarity is what strengthens nations addressing these severe challenges.”

Observing that this year marks the 25th anniversary of Georgia’s UN membership, Mr. Kvirikashvili noted that his country had transform itself from a UN humanitarian aid recipient to a top reformer. Against that backdrop, he pledged support to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by translating them into the national policies.

The Prime Minister enumerated the changes and commitments the Government was making, including constitutional reform, as a reflection of Georgia’s aspirations to attain full European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) membership. “Georgians understand this to be their destiny, as Georgia has long been an integral part of Europe’s broad cultural and historical tapestry,” he said.

Mr. Kvirikashvili recounted that the Russian Federation continues to occupy two regions of its sovereign territory – in violation of its international obligations, including Security Council and General Assembly resolutions. “Georgia is firmly committed to the peaceful resolution of the Russia-Georgia conflict,” he said thanking the world leaders that supported his country’s territorial integrity and addressed in their speeches, the need to accelerate a peaceful resolution.