China cracks down on marriage fraud


Chinese authorities have vowed to take steps to more closely monitor the country’s matchmaking industry, according to a guideline released on Monday.

This is going to include real-name registrations on dating websites, as well as a crackdown on marriage fraud, an increase of marital counseling services and the promotion of sexual health education.

The guidelines have been drafted by the Communist Youth League, as well as the National Health and Family Planning Commission and the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Plans include an increase in matchmaking events, both online and offline.

Authorities say they do intend to defend young people’s legitimate rights and interests in the context of marriage and reproduction.

This follows the suicide of a prominent app developer earlier this month. The man’s family claims he took his own life after his wife of just one-month divorced him, then allegedly demanded a massive payout.

The couple met on a Chinese dating website.

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