News story: Help us understand your needs and priorities: MHRA launches customer survey


As part of our continued commitment to deliver a high-quality service to our customers, stakeholders and partners, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency is embarking on a major operational transformation programme across all three of our expert centres – the MHRA regulatory centre, the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) and the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD). This includes significant investment in our digital capabilities and infrastructure.

Understanding your needs and priorities is essential to inform our plans and will help us to strategically shape our services, investment decisions and underlying operational processes and systems. The work we do now will underpin how we are able to meet your needs for years to come.

To help us gain this insight, we have developed a short online survey – in collaboration with PA Consulting, a consulting, technology and innovation firm, and Woodnewton Associates, an independent strategic research agency – to help us understand more about your experience of working with us and your views on where and how we need to do things differently.

The survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete, depending on how many different parts of the Agency you deal with. In line with the rules of the UK Market Research Society, your contribution will be held in strict confidence and information will not be passed to us in a way that would allow any individual contribution to be identified. You can forward the survey on to others who you think would like to share their views with us.

The survey closes on Tuesday 27 September.

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