Increase in delayed transfer of care “deeply worrying” – Barbara Keeley MP


Keeley MP
Labour’s Shadow Cabinet Minister for
Social Care
, commenting on new delayed transfers of care figures due to
social care, said

is deeply worrying that in July there was an 11 per cent increase in NHS bed
days lost due to a lack of social care. Over the last five years, delayed days due
to social care have increased by 113 per cent

caused by patients waiting for a care package at home have also increased,
continuing an upward trend since February 2015, yet we see no action from
Theresa May and Tory Ministers to fix this shortage of home care.

older and vulnerable people in hospital when they are medically fit to leave
poses a risk to their recovery and increases their likelihood of contracting
hospital-acquired infections.

Labour Government would provide the urgent additional funding needed to end the
crisis in social care.”

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