Labour motion on tuition fees unanimously approved by the House of Commons – Angela Rayner MP


Angela Rayner, Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary, commenting after
the House of Commons unanimously approved Labour’s Opposition Day motion
calling for the recent increase in tuition fees to be revoked, said: 


“Today the House of Commons unanimously approved
Labour’s motion to revoke the Government’s latest tuition fee hike, which will
cost students up to £1,000 each over the course of their degrees. 


"The Tories brought in this fee hike through a
statutory instrument, not a vote in the Commons, so today is the
first time £9,250 tuition fees has been brought to Parliament, where
it was unanimously rejected. 


"The Government had no mandate to increase
fees to begin with and if they do not now reverse the fee hike they
will be defying the will of Parliament in blatant disregard for our democracy.”



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