‘Sustaining peace’ strategy must cover entire peace continuum – UN deputy chief


29 August 2017 – Addressing how best United Nations peacekeeping operations can augment global efforts to sustain peace, Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed has said that the nature of today’s challenges requires seamless work across peace and security, human rights and sustainable development.

&#8220Peacekeeping operations need clear, realistic and up-to-date mandates, with well-identified priorities, adequate sequencing and flexibility to evolve over time,&#8221 Ms. Mohammed told the Security Council during an open debate on ‘peacekeeping operations and sustaining peace.’

&#8220Coherence, complementarity and collaboration between UN peace and security efforts and its development and humanitarian work are also essential for preventing conflict and mitigating risks, fostering more sustainable outcomes and ensuring that no one is left behind,&#8221 she added.

‘Sustaining peace’ is a term that emerged from the 2015 review of the UN peacebuilding architecture. In their resolutions on the review, the Security Council and the General Assembly defined sustaining peace &#8220as a goal and a process to build a common vision of a society […] which encompasses activities aimed at preventing, the outbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of conflict.&#8221

&#8220Implementing the Sustaining Peace Agenda requires an inclusive strategy that supports the diverse range of our missions and takes account of the entire peace continuum, from prevention, conflict resolution and peacekeeping to peacebuilding and long-term development,&#8221 Ms. Mohammed said, underscoring the vital role the Security Council plays.

In this regard, she added, the reform of the UN system has been designed to reinforce the links between the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustaining Peace Agenda.

&#8220We must work together across silos and address the humanitarian-development-peace nexus as well as the root causes of violence and conflict,&#8221 she said.

The debate also explored how peacekeeping operations can adapt to changing political and operational challenges through the various stages of UN missions’ engagement and how they can be designed around support for building inclusive and effective national institutions and strengthening national capacities.

Sustaining peace can only be achieved through a broader vision of prevention, she stressed, adding that prevention measures and peace processes must be driven by national leadership and inclusive ownership that recognize the needs and contributions of all segments of society, including women and youth as agents of development and peace.

The complexity of current conflicts requires a multi-dimensional approach that prioritizes a range of initiatives, including providing crucial protection for civilians under threat and strengthening institutions, as well as the rule of law to enable respect for human rights to be strengthened at all levels.

Sustaining peace can only be achieved through a broader vision of prevention UN deputy chief Amina Mohammed

They require disarmament, demobilization and the reintegration of armed groups, and a focus on justice and reconciliation, credible elections and the extension of legitimate and accountable State authority.

In many ways, one of peacekeeping’s most important contributions to peace is the preparation for a smooth and effective peacekeeping drawdown and handover to the UN Country Team, as seen recently in successful examples of this in Cote d’Ivoire and soon in Liberia.

&#8220To ensure that we are on the right peacebuilding track, we must get the politics right,&#8221 the Deputy Secretary-General said.

Peacekeeping operations are political instruments that ideally accompany a locally-owned peace process. To this end, missions provide good offices and work closely with different parties and communities to achieve and implement peace agreements.

In considering all these areas, a broader and more sustained level of engagement by the members of a united and strong Security Council &#8211 individually or collectively &#8211 is essential to ensure that Member States, the UN system, and all our partners are aligned behind a common purpose and a common vision for action that integrates all pillars of the UN and bring all its activities together in a truly integrated fashion, Ms. Mohammed concluded.