A heartfelt congratulations to everyone receiving their GCSE results today – Rayner


Angela Rayner MP, Labour’s Shadow Education
responding to the publication of GCSE results
today, said:

“A heartfelt congratulations to everyone receiving
their GCSE results today. We pay tribute to pupils, parents and teachers for
the crucial role they have played in achieving these fantastic results.

“As young people enter a new period in their lives,
whether in further study or work, it’s incredibly important that they receive
as much support as possible.

“Unfortunately the Government’s unnecessary
tinkering with grades have meant that there are many parents and employers who
are still struggling to understand what the results in maths and English
actually mean.

“Tory failure to properly explain the changes has
created confusion that has casted a shadow on a day that should be reserved for
celebration and young people considering the next step they will take in their

“A Labour Government would restore the Education
Maintenance Allowance for young people entering Further Education, as well as
providing fit for purpose careers advice and bolstering apprenticeships.”

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