Press Releases: State Department Amendments to the Terrorist Designation of Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade


Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

July 21, 2017

The Department of State has amended the designation of Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) under section 1(b) of Executive Order (E.O.) 13224 to change the group’s primary name to Khalid bin Al-Walid Army and to add new aliases. U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with the Khalid bin Al-Walid Army, and all property and interests in property of the organization subject to U.S. jurisdiction are blocked.

The Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade, formed in 2012, has staged attacks throughout Southern Syria, including several attacks targeting UN personnel. The group, which has pledged allegiance to ISIS, was designated by the Department of State as a SDGT entity on June 10, 2016. Near the time of the U.S. designation, the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade changed its name to Khalid bin Al-Walid Army after merging with groups operating in Southern Syria. ISIS announced the group’s name change and merger through its Amaq News Agency.

Khalid bin Al-Walid Army has also been listed on the UN Security Council 1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da’esh) and al-Qaida sanctions list. The group’s UN designation coincides with the UN Security Council’s adoption of a resolution updating the UN Security Council 1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da’esh) and al-Qaida sanctions regime and underscoring its continued importance in the global effort to defeat ISIS and al-Qa’ida.

These actions notify the U.S. public and the international community that the terrorist organization Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade now operates under, and is known by, the name Khalid bin Al-Walid Army. Designations of terrorist individuals and groups expose and isolate organizations and individuals, and result in denial of access to the U.S. financial system. Moreover, designations can assist or complement the law enforcement actions of other U.S. agencies and other governments.

A list of State Department-designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations and SDGTs is available here: