Scottish Labour unveils industrial strategy


Today, Kezia Dugdale, Jackie Baillie, and Richard Leonard launched our industrial strategy at Leonardo Airborne and Space Systems.
It is a radical blueprint for placing Scotland at the forefront of the fourth industrial revolution.
And a radical plan is needed.

Currently, our economy is being neglected by a Scottish government more interested in running a referendum campaign and a UK government driven by a hard Brexit, no matter how damaging to our economy that will be.
It is an economy with more and more people in insecure and low paid work.
A Labour government would change that.
Our plan to increase the national living wage to £10 per hour and abolish zero hour contracts will help end the blight of a low wage economy.
We would increase investment in education combatting the skills shortage that we face, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects.
Our cities need a specific representative at the heart of government, so we would create a dedicated Minister for Cities, as well as an Innovation Minister.
And we would consult with business to look at ending the UK opt-out of the EU working time directive, which would limit the number of hours any employee could work in a given week to 48. There are currently 250,000 people in Scotland working over that each week who would benefit from this change, including our hard-working NHS staff.
This industrial strategy constitutes a radical plan to prepare Scotland for the future.
A future only Labour is prepared for, by creating an economy that works for the many, not the few.

Read the industrial strategy in full here:

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